

Syringes are a major component of your dispensing. Contrary to the rival brands, our syringes are certified without silicone and possess precise proportions easy to recognize. Their internal diameter and their length are programmed with very strict tolerances and suit in a long duration use. They are available on the sizes 3, 5, 10, 30 and 55cc with five types of pistons perfectly adjusted for the various types of fluids.

You also have different cover for every model of syringe :

Transparent for standard liquid (clear polypropylene)

In  3cc, 5cc, 10cc, and 30cc

Black for those who reticulate in the visible light (anti UV)

In  3cc, 5cc, 10cc, and 30cc


Amber for the fluids which reticulate in UV

In  3cc, 5cc, 10cc, and 30cc


3cc O102051 O102061 O102071 50
5cc O103131 O103141 O103151 40
10cc O104171 O104181 O104191 30
30cc O106211 O106221 O106231 20
55cc O107471 O107481 O107491 15


Moreover, also discover our range of hoods. Molded in the quality plastic explosive, they will confer to your syringes a reliable closure to prevent any flow of fluid and guarantee you an optimal level of safety. Note that using low-cost syringes can considerably alter the quality and the repeatability of your dispensing. Increase your precision with quality syringes !

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