OmniCure S1500 UV Curing Spot Curing
The second model of the family OmniCure ®, S1500 is equipped with a lamp of 200W with a life expectancy protected from 2000 hours. Ideal for the manual or automated applications, this system is very complete.
OmniCure S2000 UV Curing Spot Curing
The last model of the platform of polymerization OmniCure® possesses remarkable commands and lamp of 200 W.
Omnicure Controller LX500 LED Spot Curing
The OmniCure® LX500 system is designed with proprietary Intelli-Lamp LED technology that monitors LED head temperature, lifetime data, and automatically maintains optical stability +/- 5% during an exposure.
OmniCure Radiometer R2000
Combined with the S2000, the radiometer allows to obtain a complete station of hardening with an unequalled control.
OmniCure Collimating Adaptor
The adjustable collimating adaptor is ideal for any application that requires a uniform spot from 1″ up to 6″(2.54cm to 15.2cm). The benefit for equal distribution of power will allow the user to cure adhesive evenly without having to compensate for uneven light distribution.
OmniCure Liquid light guides
Flexible light guides are liquid-filled or made of quartz fibers. There are advantages and disadvantages for each type. The proper choice of light guide, optical accessories and bandpass filter requires the assistance of an expert.